with Dennis Hall,
1996 Olympic Silver Medallist, 1995 World Champion
World champion Dennis Hall has put together a tape loaded with conditioning drills and technique drills that will put your athletes in the best shape possible and will make them better wrestlers. Hall begins with eight different drills that combine technique work with a conditioning workout. Drills include Wrist Fighting, Russian Ties, Collar Ties, Stance Maintenance and Six-Minute Circuit. These drills are designed to be done in two-minute spurts, providing the same type of conditioning that long runs provide, in a shorter amount of time, thus allowing more practice time. The second half of the tape features nine drills designed to help your wrestler improve in certain situations; including drills to encourage good position, drills to counter shots, angle drills, mat drills and fighting off your back. By using these drills on a regular basis, your wrestlers' technique and conditioning will improve.
59 minutes. 2001.